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Overall Winning Stats Bug!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:09 am
by mulder94
Hello guys,

About two weeks ago, I bought PokerTracker 4 and since then I'm using it happily while multitabling on PartyPoker. The only thing that is not working as it should, is the Overall Winnings statistics. The graph shows I am losing lots of money, while I'm actually WINNING money on my PartyPoker account. What I think might happen is that PokerTracker reads my buy-ins (as loss) but does not read the prizes I have won, so it shows a downward line (as shown below).


I hope someone knows how to fix this issue cause I would like access to real statistics such as hourly wage etc.

Kind regards,

Re: Overall Winning Stats Bug!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:05 am
by kraada
Unfortunately Party Poker does not provide us with tournament results information in the hand histories so with those alone we don't know where you finished. They can provide results information via email which you can get using the Get Hands From Email function on the Play Poker page. Otherwise, you'll need to enter your results manually via the Enter Tournament Results button on the left hand sidebar of the Results page or by right clicking a tournament row and choosing Edit Tournament.

Re: Overall Winning Stats Bug!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:52 am
by mulder94
Alright, thank you for the reply! Its clear now. I think I will make my own statistics using Excel.

Thanks again, and see you later!