Total Hours played

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Total Hours played

Postby mattbaua » Fri May 16, 2008 6:52 am


I get wrong numbers in the winnings-tab for the total hours played. For example I get 22 hours for one day. It was in fact about 10. I thought at first something was wrong with the hand history import from the beta version, but I also get wrong numbers for new sessions: 2 sessions (6 tables each) of about 40 and 70 minutes and poker tracker says I played 3 hours. Note: Set "day begins" from midnight to 4 am and back. But don't think that's the reason for the problem.

Hope that's enough info?

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Re: Total Hours played

Postby feint06 » Fri May 16, 2008 7:32 am

I have the same problem. I think the error occurs when you are multi-tabling as it seems to count each table individually.

Example: Today I played ~ 19:30 to ~03:30 -- ~8hours total (although I took a number of breaks between tournaments).

Yet because I was playing 2 tables for most of that time, PT3 says it was 17 hours:

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Re: Total Hours played

Postby mattbaua » Fri May 16, 2008 8:23 am

It's not just the total table hours. In that case it would show about 12 hours in my sessions from today. I played 2 (6 tables). It shows 3. But about 1,5 to 2 times the correct result seems to be it. Don't know why.
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Re: Total Hours played

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 10:00 am

mattbaua, can you post a screenshot?
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Re: Total Hours played

Postby mattbaua » Fri May 16, 2008 11:23 am

Hm, how can I post the screenshots in this forum? That might be a dumb question, but i don't get it done...
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Re: Total Hours played

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 16, 2008 12:11 pm

You need to host screenshots somewhere else and link to them (e.g. - have I got that right?).

Isn't there an issue with tables played for less than an hour always counting as 60 minutes? (or has that been fixed? - actually, that might have been in tourneys?)
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Re: Total Hours played

Postby mattbaua » Fri May 16, 2008 1:17 pm

Ok, thanks WhiteRider. Here are the tables:


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Re: Total Hours played

Postby prezepio » Fri May 16, 2008 1:27 pm

guys, look at feint06´s screen shot...his fisrt game started at 19:28 and finished at 20:30 ..thats 1 hour and 2 minutes or 62 minutes...yet it shows 124 minutes or 2.07 hours...the next game is right 30 minutes so it is right....the third game is also should be 68 minutes and is showing 128 minutes...
PT3 is miscalculating the amount of minutes played..
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Re: Total Hours played

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 16, 2008 1:40 pm

prezepio wrote:guys, look at feint06´s screen shot...his fisrt game started at 19:28 and finished at 20:30 ..thats 1 hour and 2 minutes or 62 minutes...yet it shows 124 minutes or 2.07 hours...the next game is right 30 minutes so it is right....the third game is also should be 68 minutes and is showing 128 minutes...
PT3 is miscalculating the amount of minutes played..

Ah, I wonder if that time is the total time of the tournament - it could be reading full tourney time from the summary info rather from the hands you played?
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Re: Total Hours played

Postby Robbie Robb » Fri May 16, 2008 1:45 pm

I agree with the above statement that it's miscalculating time... See screenshot.. To respond to Whiterider's idea above - a lot of these are me winning the tourney (or finishing 2nd) and almost every one of them is either a 6max or HU to 5 hours is not remotely realistic. this point I don't really worry about the time played for any real tracking purpose.

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