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Ongame: Wrong Player Summary and statistics

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:07 am
by Nekro

i exported 11k hands NL600 from PT2 DB and imported them (manual) into the new PT3 DB.

Now i compared the statistics to see if PT3 works properly.

(Limit is named "$4 NL" in PT3)
Hands: correct - both show exact 11k hands
VPIP,PFR: correct

Amount won: PT2 shows that i am even during this period (which is correct) - PT3 shows that i am DOWN 21K USD !!!
WTSD: PT3 shows 1% less
W$SD: PT3 shows 2,5% more
W$WSF: PT3 shows 1% more steal: PT3 shows 2% less
Fold BB to steal: PT3 shows 4% more
... and so on

I cant work with the program when the stats are not proper. Especially the amount won stats.

Maybe you can fix that - Thx Phil

Re: Ongame: Wrong Player Summary and statistics

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:46 am
by urbanati
I have the same problem.

Re: Ongame: Wrong Player Summary and statistics

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:55 am
by Josh
It should name the limit $6 NL (unless the big blind is $4, in which case it's correct).

Please attach the hand histories of some of the hands that have a wrong amount won to a support ticket. I'll get it fixed ASAP.

Re: Ongame: Wrong Player Summary and statistics

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:59 am
by WoolyHat
Hi Josh,

I just submitted a couple of hands where this is the case. I could submit more if that would help? Basically everything is wrong. Is there a list of known issues with PT3 somewhere? I think that would be really useful...

EDIT: Also, you need to add OnGame to you support tracker

Re: Ongame: Wrong Player Summary and statistics

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:33 am
by Nekro
I have also sent 5 wrong hands.

P.S I did not change anything in the setting, but the Limit is named correct "$6 NL" now. :?: No idea why :?:

Re: Ongame: Wrong Player Summary and statistics

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:57 am
by WhiteRider
Nekro wrote:WTSD: PT3 shows 1% less
W$SD: PT3 shows 2,5% more
W$WSF: PT3 shows 1% more steal: PT3 shows 2% less
Fold BB to steal: PT3 shows 4% more

W$SD will be higher in PT3 because it includes split pots where you won money, which PT2 does not.
There was a bug I reported in the last version which Josh has now fixed (but I'm not sure whether that was before the commercial release) where a hand was not recorded as seeing the flop (when I did) and this will cause a difference in the WTSD (as it's WTSD when saw flop), same for W$WSF. Not sure if this is the same issue, but if you can identify the hand(s) where the discrepancy is that will help Josh.
There are possible 'definition' differences with blind steals too, as PT2 counts penalty blinds as being in the BB.