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Question about stats

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:18 pm
by Acryl

PT3 differentiates PFR between EP, MP and LP raises. Often you see something like
25% EP, 15% MP and 20% LP. So it looks like people are raising 25% of hands, or better said,
a 25% Range from EP and they raise less from later positions.

Now I'm wondering if the reason their MP/LP raising frequencey is lower is due to the fact
that they cant OPEN-raise as wide because it gets raised infront of them which would then
in return mean that if PT says they're raising 15% from MP it would still be a range
way wider than 15% but on average they only get to open-raise 15% from that position because
it gets raised infront of them or is that not how its callculated?


Re: Question about stats

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:23 am
by kraada
PFR is the number of hands the player made any raise divided by the number of hands they were dealt in. If you're seeing numbers like that from someone you have a decent sample on, they play a strange style of poker.