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HUD table/program detection

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:37 am
by goldz
I'm thinking about developing a real-time hand converter for SealsWithClubs (it would convert from SWC to Full Tilt), but before I do that I'd like to know if it would even be possible to use the HUD with it. Looking at Full Tilt, it seems as though it looks for the correct window by simply using the table name. Is there anything else the HUD requires beyond a matching table name?

Re: HUD table/program detection

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 8:31 am
by kraada
We detect windows by their title and match that against the hand history file. Just make sure you're very exact with the hand history files otherwise you might end up with errors on import time.

Re: HUD table/program detection

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:16 am
by goldz
I seem to be having trouble getting the HUD to appear, but I've reached a point where it seems like everything should be working. The hands are importing properly, and the name that appears in the import status window is identical to the window title. Here's an example of a hand as it appears in the import status window and the first line of the hand history.

Import status window/game window title:
Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#12926213214) from NLHE 6max .5/1 #2 - NL Hold'em (20 - 100) - Logged in as <MY_USERNAME>
First line of hand history file:
Full Tilt Poker Game #12926213214: Table NLHE 6max .5/1 #2 - NL Hold'em (20 - 100) - Logged in as <MY_USERNAME> - $.5/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:10:41 - 2013/11/23

The only problem I'm having other than the HUD not appearing is that it seems to be sensitive to where in the line I put "(6 max)". If I put it in what seems to be the correct place in the order, it shows up as part of the line in the import status window, which I had assumed meant it would try to find it in the game window title, but maybe that whole assumption is incorrect seeing as the HUD isn't working despite the text matching.

Any ideas on either of these issues?

Re: HUD table/program detection

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:06 am
by kraada
Is this for PT3 or PT4? You've posted in the PT3 section of the forums and I just want to be sure which version of our software you are using.

Re: HUD table/program detection

PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:44 pm
by goldz
I'm using PT3

Re: HUD table/program detection

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:48 am
by kraada
I'm sorry but I can't go into further detail about how our importer works. We won't be adding Seals support for PT3 and we don't officially support hacking the import routines. I'm afraid I can't do anything further for you other than to note that PT3's end of life is coming up next summer so you might want to rethink spending significant effort developing for it.

Re: HUD table/program detection

PostPosted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:53 am
by WhiteRider
Using a hand converter won't get the Hud to work - the Hud finds the table windows based on knowledge of the site.
