PT2 DB Conversion and date filter problems

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PT2 DB Conversion and date filter problems

Postby MeeSooHoorny » Fri May 16, 2008 12:34 pm

Ok - I converted an old PT2 DB and it showed some discrepancies - I get different values when I see the same DB on PT2 and 3 - more hands played appear on PT3, different rake values, etc. - but it´s not a HUGE issue..... Yet if anyone knows how to fix this I´d be most appreciated.

One other thing is the date filter - it doesn´t work.

I don´t know how good the other filters are working (didn´t have time to try them out), but when I request hands for a specific week or day, they don´t show up - only the TOTAL number of hands contained in the database.

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Re: PT2 DB Conversion and date filter problems

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 16, 2008 12:49 pm

MeeSooHoorny wrote:Ok - I converted an old PT2 DB and it showed some discrepancies - I get different values when I see the same DB on PT2 and 3 - more hands played appear on PT3, different rake values, etc. - but it´s not a HUGE issue..... Yet if anyone knows how to fix this I´d be most appreciated.

There *are* some rake differences, PT2 does not record the correct rake for all situations.
There is still a very rare rake bug in PT3 too, which is on Josh's list, but it should be very close.

One other thing is the date filter - it doesn´t work.

This is a known issue and a fix will be out ASAP.

I don´t know how good the other filters are working (didn´t have time to try them out), but when I request hands for a specific week or day, they don´t show up - only the TOTAL number of hands contained in the database.

Other filters should work - if you find any that don't please report back.
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