Wrong SnG/Tourney results

I am using a registered commercial final version of PT3 on Windows Vista x64 SP1 and am playing on PartyPoker only.
Cashgame stats seem to work as a charm but my SnG and tourney results are displayed completely wrong.
Many of them say "Finish: 0" which results in a negative "Net Won" and ROI value.
I imported the HandHistories mainly from PT2-exported and some original PartyPoker textfiles.
Here is a screenshot:

Cashgame stats seem to work as a charm but my SnG and tourney results are displayed completely wrong.
Many of them say "Finish: 0" which results in a negative "Net Won" and ROI value.
I imported the HandHistories mainly from PT2-exported and some original PartyPoker textfiles.
Here is a screenshot: