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HUD - Table Avgs? Also Mucked cards bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:02 am
by DaveUO
2 things:

1. Is there a way to get the table averages displayed somewhere on the table with HUD? Like the table avg VPIP and PFR put somewhere on the table?

2. When I open minimzed tables, there are often mucked cards from hands that occured previously that remain on the table for quite a while. My show mucked cards setting is set to 5 seconds, but often the cards are from hands that happened 20 minutes prior. Just to give an example: If I am on a waiting list for a table and have it minimized datamining, when I finally get the notification that my seat is available and click to be seated, the table pops up and has previously shown down hands still there. When I look in the "last hand" tab on the table, these hands are often still being shown on the HUD even tho they are from 15 hands ago.

This is on FTP and I am using Vista. Your help is appreciated. Thanks.

Re: HUD - Table Avgs? Also Mucked cards bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:30 am
by WhiteRider
1. Yes. PT-icon -> Configure Stats. Create a new Group and set it to Show: Table Averages, then add whatever stats you want.
Remember to Save Layout when you're back on the table and have placed it where you want.

2. This is a known issue, thanks. To clear these tables for now, I understand that PT-icon -> Reset will do it..

Re: HUD - Table Avgs? Also Mucked cards bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 6:58 am
by Peterpan
1. Yes. PT-icon -> Configure Stats. Create a new Group and set it to Show: Table Averages, then add whatever stats you want.
Remember to Save Layout when you're back on the table and have placed it where you want.

Since i did that. i get a error pop-up when PT starts importing saying: "An error occurred during the Hud process. Exception: Access violation. Please restart PT."

Re: HUD - Table Avgs? Also Mucked cards bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 6:58 am
by WhiteRider
Please reproduce the problem and submit your PokerTracker.log to the Support system.

Re: HUD - Table Avgs? Also Mucked cards bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:07 am
by Peterpan
Thanks for quick responding, but what is my PokerTracker.log?

Re: HUD - Table Avgs? Also Mucked cards bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 9:04 am
by WhiteRider
c:\program files\pokertracker3\PokerTracker.log - or PokerTracker (text file) if you have extensions turned off.
