where are saved the hands?

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where are saved the hands?

Postby rubencash » Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:15 pm

Good afternoon.

I use an online translator.

I just reformat the computer, I made a backup of PT4 excluding processed hands (I have 500MB of hands saved in a folder)
After restore PT4 press "Get Hands From Disk" and process all hands of the folder. ALL hands and statistics appear in PT4, all good.

The problem: the hands that I filed manually and the new hands that process on the button "Get Hands While Playing" do not appear in any folder of PT4. You should appear in user/AppData/Local/Pokertracker4/Processed but is empty.

Within PT4 I checked in that location keeps hands and tells me that in the Appdata folder, I mentioned it.

Can not find the error... Many thanks for the help!
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Re: where are saved the hands?

Postby kraada » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:06 am

The Get Hands From Disk option doesn't move the processed files, but those files don't need to be moved anywhere for PT4 to read them later. PT4 saves the data in the PostgreSQL database and the files are moved when you play so that PT4 doesn't need to read them later.
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