Problem: import from ipoker hands

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Problem: import from ipoker hands

Postby k3ys3r » Sat May 17, 2008 8:50 am

okay. today i installed the first time PT3 (build 2). i am a registered user.
i exported my PT2 hands (all 6max) , and imported them to PT3 (manual import). import statistics shows: Errors: 0.
"adjust qualifying table limits" in the auto import rider is checked.
all exported text files have the following lookout: "ipn NL ($0.50) (6 max) 964001265 to 972484756.txt"

the problem is: now in PT 3 i have 2 limits. NL50 (6 max) AND NL50 (2 max).
i never played @ a 2 max table. maybe headsup @ a 6 max table. but i do not want, that these hands are shown as 2 max cuz they are played @ a 6 max table.
ATM i can't purge this "2 max" limit. hopefully this will be implemented later.
so i purged ALL hands ( the only possibility in "Database Management") and imported them with "adjust qualifying table limits" unchecked. now i only have one limit. but NOT 6 max. so when i will play and import a fullring session in the future, i think these hands will be mixed with the 6 max ones.
and when i play and autoimport a session on a 6 max table ("adjust qualifying table limits" checked), i think i will get a brand new limit called NL50 (6 max). :roll:

another problem i have with the replayer. when "auto play hands" is checked, the whole program crashes sometimes. with "auto play hands" unchecked, everything is good.

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Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 11:54 am

Re: Problem: import from ipoker hands

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 9:13 am

Try purging again and re-import with the adjust limits option enabled again, and see if you get the same problem again. If so, can you remember if it's the same hands?
If it repeats, please submit your log file and hand histories to the Support system and link to this thread.
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Re: Problem: import from ipoker hands

Postby k3ys3r » Sat May 17, 2008 10:07 am

the problem still persists. if it's the same hands... dunno.

hh's, screenshot and logfile sent.

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Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 11:54 am

Re: Problem: import from ipoker hands

Postby k3ys3r » Sun May 18, 2008 8:46 am

i've gotten an answer from josh:
The reason you are getting a (2 max) table is because you have the "Adjust Qualifying Tables Sessions" option on the Auto Import preferences checked.

as i wrote: when i import the hand with "Adjust Qualifying Tables Sessions" unchecked, the hands will be imported in ONE limit (NL50).
BUT: when i then play then a session on a 6 max table with "Adjust Qualifying Tables Sessions" checked, i will get a new limit: NL50 (6max).

ok, maybe this is a planned feature. that, if u play HU regardless of whether u are sitting on a 2max, 6max or fullring table, these hands will always be shown as (2max).
in PT2, all hands which u play @ a 6 max table will be shown as 6 max. regardless of whether u played HU, 3 handed, 4 handed, 5 handed or 6 handed @ these tables.

so maybe you could implement in a future version, that u can choose if u want to use the "old PT2 form" or the "new PT3 form".

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Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 11:54 am

Re: Problem: import from ipoker hands

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 12:12 pm

I've reworked this functionality a bit. Now, it uses only the first hand of the session to determine the limit. So if you sit down at a full ring game with 9 players and it drops down to 6 players, the limit will not drop to 6 max.
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