prajna wrote:Were you expecting the importing of hands to go faster in this version? The advantage that PT3 has over PT2+PAHUD is more features and a compact all-in-one program, plus a faster database than before so stats retrieval is much much smoother and quicker. Importation of hands, though, is still generally done the same way and is dependent upon your processor speeds, your system resources, and the like.
~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
I find the import of hands to be much quicker in PT3 but the stats are far slower.
I imported 3.1 million FTP hands in 8 hours which is about 107 h/s
The HUD is also not as good.
The idea of having a hud for stats is to know which are the best tables.
It doesnt work without playing a hand where as PAHUD will work when you observe the table.
IMHO PT2 and PAHUD is still much better than PT3, hopefully that will change in the future.