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PT2 conversion incomplete

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:27 am
by darthbubba
I have a PT2 SQL DB with about 9k hands from PokerStars, most of which is from the 'step' tournaments. When I converted to PT3, all the hand histories came over fine, but it didn't bring over any of the information regarding buy-in, and whether or not a satellite seat was won. Needless to say, this has done bad things to my ROI in the new database. :roll:

In PT2, I imported this info from the emailed tournament summaries that PT2 made the PStars client email me, then I massaged this data by reducing the buy in to 0 when I had entered the tourney with a ticket instead of buying in directly. That option doesn't appear to be available yet in PT3 (importing tourney results from your email inbox, that is.) Am I going to have to manually reenter this data for 200+ tournaments?

Re: PT2 conversion incomplete

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:34 am
by WhiteRider
Email import isn't yet implemented but will be if you can wait.
You can paste contents of emails into text files and import those..
