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HUD problems

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:00 pm
by ReSpOnSe
Hi, I'm trying to use th HUd that comes in the PT3 program but I am experiencing problems with it. I am running vista service pack 1 and I am playing on pokerstars. Well the problem is that many times during a session my stats will disappear or other players stats will disappear for no reason at all. they show up to begin with then after one or 2 hands just disappear. It almost always happens with my stats after the first couple of hands my stats will just disappear, but then if i reset the HUD stat thing for the table it comes back, but this gets very tedious. Is there any way to keep my stats from disappearing?

Re: HUD problems

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:13 pm
by prajna
Vista users have several uphill battles with software in general. Below are some links that will be of interest to you that will help fix your problem.


Attention Microsoft Vista Users

The first link revolves around your postgresql server. The second revolves around vista in gereral (running as administrator and running w/o UAC).

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]