Hud stats in front of wrong players on stars

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Hud stats in front of wrong players on stars

Postby phexac » Sat May 17, 2008 12:02 pm

When you use Stars function to use same seat all the time, it looks like PT3 does not take that into account and places stats where the players WOULD sit normally. Duno if this is something you guys can fix. Not a deal breaker, but kinda annoying. Apparenly original HUD does this too.
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Re: Hud stats in front of wrong players on stars

Postby prajna » Sat May 17, 2008 1:36 pm

Correct. PT3 doesn't know about preferred seats. This will be built in later on, but currently it doesn't work properly because PT3 doesn't know about preferred seating.

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Re: Hud stats in front of wrong players on stars

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 11:37 am

That's not exactly correct. PT3 does recognize the preferred seating options, and should automatically adjust the stats. What PT3 does not support is the right-click -> Sit Here feature.

If PT3 isn't recognizing your preferred seating options, try re-installing PokerStars.
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