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Hud crashes Pokertracker3

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:57 pm
by triob
When i start the Hud PT3 shows the Message:

Code: Select all
Trying to access an index outsize of array (8 when array is only 6)

and tells me to restart PT3.
I think the related lines in the logfile are:

Code: Select all
2008/05/17 18:46:27.531: [00002924][Array (Error)] Trying to access an index outsize of array (8 when array is only 6)
2008/05/17 18:46:27.531: [00002924][TableManager (Error)] Trying to access an index outsize of array (8 when array is only 6)
2008/05/17 18:46:35.593: [00002924][TableManager] Thread exiting.

This is in Build 2. Whats wrong?

Edit: I just noticed that this problem only exists only for Cashgames and not for Tournaments. Im playing on Pokerstars.

Re: Hud crashes Pokertracker3

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:28 pm
by triob
Looks like it is working now. I did not change anything. Something is strange there. :)
