connection lost to database....

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connection lost to database....

Postby Gorilla » Sat May 17, 2008 2:42 pm

didnt find a thread.
while importing (auto and manual) i always get this error since 1 hour:

Fatal Exception during Auto-Import process: Connection Lost to Database: PT3_2008_05_17_051827

this is my default and active database

another problem is, that my postgre service is always terminated when clustering is completed
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Re: connection lost to database....

Postby prajna » Sat May 17, 2008 3:25 pm

Sounds very very strange. Export your database (go to database -> database management and select export). After this, blow to safe mode (Booting into safe mode), and then completely remove postgresql. Reboot and install postgresql from this link:

PostgreSQL 8.3.1 install

Then restart PT3 and recreate a database and then import your saved database. Also, if you are in Vista, please follow the information below:

Attention Microsoft Vista Users

~ Thomas
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Re: connection lost to database....

Postby Gorilla » Sat May 17, 2008 9:32 pm

strange. i boot (booted?) safe mode:

- postgresql isnt listed in the program list (it isnt listed when booting normal mode either)
- i cant connect to the internet (although i boot (booted) including network drivers)
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Re: connection lost to database....

Postby APerfect10 » Sun May 18, 2008 2:36 pm

Gorilla wrote:strange. i boot (booted?) safe mode:

- postgresql isnt listed in the program list (it isnt listed when booting normal mode either)
- i cant connect to the internet (although i boot (booted) including network drivers)

PostgreSQL is unable to be installed or run while in Safe Mode. Safe mode is too restrictive for PostgreSQL...

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