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hand replayer bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 3:07 pm
by jayceekay
i was replaying a hand and i noticed a bug which displayed an incorrect history in the action (bottom right) text area. the images display correctly on the board, and on the "texas holdem hand" screen (the one before the replayer) it also shows the correct information. here's a screenshot which can show you better than i can tell you (notice the 4c in the text):


another problem i noticed is that despite there being no action after preflop allins, it kept saying "player1 raises, player2 calls" on subsequent streets. here's an ss of that:


Re: hand replayer bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:44 pm
by prajna
The second one I was aware of, but that first one honestly I had seen, but never noticed. I'll make sure Josh sees this. ty for your screen shots and help.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]

Re: hand replayer bug

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:55 pm
by jayceekay
no problem. thanks for a great product :]

Re: hand replayer bug

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:42 am
by Josh
These problems should be resolved in the next release, but just in case, can you submit the two hand histories with a support ticket?

Re: hand replayer bug

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:34 pm
by jayceekay