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PT3 + Ipoker problem

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:04 pm
by boxman8
I am using Ipoker and PT3 build 2
win XP
when I try to auto-import hands while playing it wont let me, I have played more than 22 hands at a particular level and it will only show 22 hands no matter what I do.
Also the new HUD is extremly soft on the eyes, love it. however it keeps reseting its position after I make the slightest adjustment to it, also it seems to do it on random when im not looking :D)
yes the default position is very bad, it covers the bet-rail and sometimes names and/or notes
I have bought PT2 PAH and PT3.

tnx for great program and help me please :)

edit: this is what I see in the Ipoker "import status"-window:
2008/05/17 21:55:20: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 21:57:40: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 21:59:34: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 22:01:24: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 22:03:36: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
and no, I am not playing 5CS :-), its 6max NLH

Re: PT3 + Ipoker problem

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:00 pm
by prajna
boxman8 wrote:I am using Ipoker and PT3 build 2
win XP
when I try to auto-import hands while playing it wont let me, I have played more than 22 hands at a particular level and it will only show 22 hands no matter what I do.

Make sure you click the refresh button to refresh the stats. Stats are not automatically refreshed.

boxman8 wrote:Also the new HUD is extremly soft on the eyes, love it. however it keeps reseting its position after I make the slightest adjustment to it, also it seems to do it on random when im not looking :D)

After adjusting where you want stat boxes to be, click on the pt3 icon on the table and select "save layout"

boxman8 wrote:edit: this is what I see in the Ipoker "import status"-window:
2008/05/17 21:55:20: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 21:57:40: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 21:59:34: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 22:01:24: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
2008/05/17 22:03:36: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: 5 Card Stud L
and no, I am not playing 5CS :-), its 6max NLH

Please send a copy of your pokertracker.log file to us (c:\Program Files\Poker Tracker 3\pokertracker.log) and the hands which caused this error by attaching them to a support ticket so we can get a better idea as to why this happened.

Support tickets can be generated here:

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]

Re: PT3 + Ipoker problem

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 6:26 pm
by boxman8
I hit refresh, additional hands are not being added in my database..

I will try the ticket thing..not so cleveer with cpus tho
edit: pokertracker.log does not exist in my folder. what to do?

Re: PT3 + Ipoker problem

PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:35 pm
by boxman8
I tried to put this in my first post so it wouldnt be doublepost, but it wouldnt let me edit a second time.

anyways I have discovered something annoying with the new PAH, when the stats have shown on a player, and he/she leaves the seat, his/hers stats will stay on the table, even when some new player joins the table, this will cause confusion in the future I predict :)
any way of getting ridd of that?

Re: PT3 + Ipoker problem

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 5:56 am
by WhiteRider
boxman8 wrote:I hit refresh, additional hands are not being added in my database..

I will try the ticket thing..not so cleveer with cpus tho
edit: pokertracker.log does not exist in my folder. what to do?

First make sure logging is enabled: menu Configure -> Options.
You are looking for PokerTracker.log or possibly "PokerTracker (text file)" if you have file extensions turned off.

boxman8 wrote:anyways I have discovered something annoying with the new PAH, when the stats have shown on a player, and he/she leaves the seat, his/hers stats will stay on the table, even when some new player joins the table, this will cause confusion in the future I predict :)
any way of getting ridd of that?

It should update when a new hand imports. What site are you at? Cash or tournament?

Re: PT3 + Ipoker problem

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:31 am
by boxman8
i said Ipoker..noiq poker, and no it doesnt automaticly update with imports, because the import is not working properly, I get false stats and incomplete data.
I have hit refresh.
only problems with this program so far :<

Re: PT3 + Ipoker problem

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:19 pm
by Josh
Please attach an iPoker hand history xml file that's importing incorrectly to a support ticket. Be sure to reference this thread.
