manually imported hands, unable to execute Query message

I manually imported about 130K hands from pt2, and now under player summary it has a message that says:
Unable to execute query: SELECT (holdem_table_session_summary.id_limit), (sum(holdem...)
It's about 4 lines of text, all in red, and I get similar messages when I tried clicking the other tabs at the top. What do I do about this?
One quick note: In the bottom of the general tab, it has my limits that I've played and they are correct. Also, in my Vs. Player tab, it has the correct information for the players I've played against, but those are the only two that work. Help please!
Unable to execute query: SELECT (holdem_table_session_summary.id_limit), (sum(holdem...)
It's about 4 lines of text, all in red, and I get similar messages when I tried clicking the other tabs at the top. What do I do about this?
One quick note: In the bottom of the general tab, it has my limits that I've played and they are correct. Also, in my Vs. Player tab, it has the correct information for the players I've played against, but those are the only two that work. Help please!