Hand-Replay error

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Hand-Replay error

Postby insane » Sun May 18, 2008 9:01 am


replay does not work for hands with ante.
When I start replaying, nothing happens on the table and the message window shows following:

Hand #17404557028 begins at 2008/05/13
*Hero* posts the ante of 25
*Hero* posts the ante of 25
*Hero* posts the ante of 25
*Hero* posts the ante of 25
*Hero* posts the ante of 25
[...and so on]

Hand #17495721317 begins at 2008/05/17
*villain* posts the ante of 50
*villain* posts the ante of 50
*villain* posts the ante of 50
*villain* posts the ante of 50
*villain* posts the ante of 50
[...and so on]
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Joined: Sun May 11, 2008 3:17 pm

Re: Hand-Replay error

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 12:14 pm

This has been fixed for the next release.
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