No Database connection retry logic?

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No Database connection retry logic?

Postby PerryR » Sun May 18, 2008 2:11 pm

Hi there. I am using Parallels Desktop running windows XP on my MacBook Pro running PT3. I connect to my PostgreSQL database running in MacOSX via an internal network connection from the virtual machine to the mac proper. What looks to be happening is that if the connection is idle, the database connection goes away and PT3 gives me the abort/retry/ignore error box. The relavent log output is below. Could you put in some logic to try to reconnect to the database in this situation and if that fails then error out? Thanks.

2008/05/17 22:05:27.961: [00000828][Query] Query execution time: 782.90989975 ms : SELECT (, (player.player_name_search), (player.player_name), (holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_before), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_s), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_b), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_db), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_ds), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.amt_won), (holdem_hand_player_detail.holecard_1), (holdem_hand_player_detail.holecard_2), (holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_bet_p), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_raise > 0), (holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_bet_f), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_raise > 0), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check_raise), (holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_bet_t), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.cnt_t_raise > 0), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_t_check_raise), (holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_bet_r), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.cnt_r_raise > 0), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_check_raise), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_showdown), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_final_hand), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_showed), (holdem_hand_player_statistics.enum_folded), (holdem_hand_summary.id_hand) FROM holdem_hand_player_detail, player, holdem_hand_player_statistics, holdem_hand_summary WHERE (holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_hand = holdem_hand_player_detail.id_hand AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_player = holdem_hand_player_detail.id_player) AND (holdem_hand_summary.id_hand = holdem_hand_player_detail.id_hand) AND (player.id_player = holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_player) AND (holdem_hand_summary.id_hand = holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_hand) AND ((holdem_hand_summary.id_hand)=9806)
2008/05/17 22:05:28.141: [00002636][QueryReportCtrl] Query load time: 30 ms
2008/05/18 11:01:36.950: [- Main -][PostgresConnection (Error)] Connection Lost to Database: PT3 DB
2008/05/18 11:01:40.495: [- Main -][App] Shutting down subsystems...
2008/05/18 11:01:40.525: [- Main -][App] Flushing profiler info...
2008/05/18 11:01:40.535: [- Main -][System] Application exiting
2008/05/18 11:01:40.565: [00002528][WindowManager] Thread exiting.
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Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 4:53 pm

Re: No Database connection retry logic?

Postby prajna » Mon May 19, 2008 1:47 am

Please submit a ticket for this.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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