I have preformance issues with PT3. it seems to especially appear with fulltilt or when i'm mixing tables. i had preformance issues with PT2 only on FTP. when i had say 2 stars, party and FTP tables running, FTP worked rrrrrly slow, when i pressed the fold button it sometimes reacted 3 secs later, when i drag and dropped a table it lagged as hell etc.
Now with PT3 i dont know what the problem is, in the past the problem was PAHud on FTP, when i turned it off it worked perfectly. But now with PT3, there are xxx duplicates. when i have 1 or 2 tables, and sometimes 4, i have no problems. but more often than not i have preformance problems with 4 tables (esp. if one of them is FTP). i dk if i have done something wrong at the installation or smth.
i DLed PT3 build 2 from the HP with postgesql. i already used postgresql with PT2 (but older version), and didnt uninstall anything or smth. i just installed PT3+postgresql setup and started using it. didnt import anything from PT2 yet etc.
What can i do?
my system;
Core Duo T2250 1,73GHz
256MB Geforce Go 7600
2048 Ram
enough space on the HDD (NTFS)
WinXP Sp2
here's a screenshot
edit: as it seems the "duplicates" stopped at 507. im playing 1 table on party actually and now it imports hands, but if i open more tables it will lag