Duplicates + preformance issues

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Duplicates + preformance issues

Postby Th4niR » Mon May 19, 2008 10:25 am


I have preformance issues with PT3. it seems to especially appear with fulltilt or when i'm mixing tables. i had preformance issues with PT2 only on FTP. when i had say 2 stars, party and FTP tables running, FTP worked rrrrrly slow, when i pressed the fold button it sometimes reacted 3 secs later, when i drag and dropped a table it lagged as hell etc.

Now with PT3 i dont know what the problem is, in the past the problem was PAHud on FTP, when i turned it off it worked perfectly. But now with PT3, there are xxx duplicates. when i have 1 or 2 tables, and sometimes 4, i have no problems. but more often than not i have preformance problems with 4 tables (esp. if one of them is FTP). i dk if i have done something wrong at the installation or smth.

i DLed PT3 build 2 from the HP with postgesql. i already used postgresql with PT2 (but older version), and didnt uninstall anything or smth. i just installed PT3+postgresql setup and started using it. didnt import anything from PT2 yet etc.

What can i do?

my system;

Core Duo T2250 1,73GHz
256MB Geforce Go 7600
2048 Ram
enough space on the HDD (NTFS)
WinXP Sp2

here's a screenshot



edit: as it seems the "duplicates" stopped at 507. im playing 1 table on party actually and now it imports hands, but if i open more tables it will lag
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Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 10:08 am

Re: Duplicates + preformance issues

Postby Th4niR » Mon May 19, 2008 11:08 am

okay, opened a FTP table to the pty table now and the preformance decreased. when i pressed "stop HUD" the preformance decrease stopped! has something to do with FTP and the HUD!
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Re: Duplicates + preformance issues

Postby Th4niR » Mon May 19, 2008 12:15 pm

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Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 10:08 am

Re: Duplicates + preformance issues

Postby prajna » Mon May 19, 2008 12:33 pm

Duplicates normally happen when you stop importing then start again w/o closing and reopening the poker sites software. PT3 will read the same hands in the handhistory folders and complain of duplicates. Duplicates are ignored, though, so no need to worry about redundant hands.

Please see the Build 2 FAQ as HUD speed is addressed and answered in this FAQ.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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