speed problems

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speed problems

Postby sebi57 » Mon May 19, 2008 12:03 pm

Poker traker 3 is very slowly on my pc, if i filter for hands of a specific limit and then try to see the graph it will not show up after 5 minutes, the other tabs load like one to two minutes. I read in the documentary that PT3 can handle big databases, so there are 1 mil hands in one database.
i have postgres 8.3, clustered vacuumed and analysed today, i have a dual core with 3000MHz and a fast hard drive, but i only have 2 GB ram. Might this cause the problem? Or could it be something else. by the way playing with hud is not possible on more than 7 tables because its so slow. thank you
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Re: speed problems

Postby prajna » Mon May 19, 2008 12:14 pm

This has been a common issue w/this version and will be fixed with the next release, but someone else mentioned that they have had the same problem but when they disabled punkbuster (a separate program that looks for cheating in games) it greatly increased his system's speed. He reasoned that since punkbuster would specifically look for overlays (a sign of cheating in many games), PT3 gets lagged by it.

If you have something similar, you might try to disable it, otherwise, you'll need to wait until the next release sometime later this week.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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