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importing hand historys from titan with pt3

Mon May 19, 2008 5:23 pm
by redunderthebed
i recently moved to titan poker (i poker) and don't know how to import my hand history's into pt3, i have tried auto import that didn't work. this is probably a very simple question but i am technology illiterate.
thanks for your help
Re: importing hand historys from titan with pt3

Mon May 19, 2008 5:53 pm
by WhiteRider
You need to configure the iPoker import.
On auto-import, select iPoker then the iPoker Configuration tab on the right where you can configure the directory which you have titan writing hand histories to. (You do have titan configured to write HH, don't you?) There is an auto-detect option if you don't know where this is.
Also make sure it is set to auto-start (if you want it to).
Re: importing hand historys from titan with pt3

Mon May 19, 2008 5:58 pm
by redunderthebed
No i don't have titan configured to write hand history's, i tried but cant find the hand history button.
thanks for the quick response
Re: importing hand historys from titan with pt3

Mon May 19, 2008 9:23 pm
by redunderthebed
how do you configure titan poker to write hand history's ?
Re: importing hand historys from titan with pt3

Wed May 21, 2008 9:53 am
by WhiteRider
Sorry, I don't have Titan installed. Is it iPoker network?
On my iPoker site, there is an Options button on the bottom row, clicking that one of the options is "Store hand histories locally" - enable that.