PT3 HUD popup stat problem

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PT3 HUD popup stat problem

Postby ledzep6028 » Tue May 20, 2008 4:50 pm

I have moved over 2 stats to show up on my popup for a player. 3 bet % preflop and c-bet %. These stats do not show up even though I have moved them over. It is still only showing the default stats in the popup. I have even restarted PT3, gone back in to make sure that the stats are still moved over and they are. I checked to make sure that it was not the fonts or something but that is all correct as well. Is this a known bug?
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Re: PT3 HUD popup stat problem

Postby YudiKorsow » Tue May 20, 2008 8:23 pm

How do I configure the popup stats? I fixed a font problem (again) on player stats, but cant seem to find where the popup stats are...if i click on a players name the popup comes up with what seems to be about 20 default stats, which I cant read due to messed up font settings....
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Re: PT3 HUD popup stat problem

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 10:57 am

PT-icon -> Configure HUD; select Group tab and pop up group then back to Stats tab.
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