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Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 10:24 pm
by jmflu
So I requested a bunch of old hand histories from stars to try and make my DB more complete and I did a mass import of all 6k tournies I have ever played at stars and it takes really long to import (which is fine) and appears to import everything without errors.

Among these 6k tourneys, were a bunch from 2003 and 2004 up until now but in my DB there are barely any tournaments before 2007 and like I said in the title it should be over 6k tourneys and under my General summary it says it only has 1600.

So I try to manually load a .txt from stars that has a bunch of tourneys/hands from 03/04 and every single hand Ptracker is telling me is a duplicate even though I cannot find these tournaments anywhere in my DB.

I have ZERO filters running and I have double checked this so what could be the issue here?

Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:34 pm
by Seitz333
You say you imported Hand Histories, are you sure they were not Tourney Summaries? If you import a Tourney Summary but do not import the Hand History then the tourney will not show up under the "General" list. But if you go to Tournaments--->Enter Results then all tourneys should be listed.

You can also view all the tourneys using the pgAdmin tool.

I have a request in to add the option to show all tourneys in the General list even if there is not a hand history loaded. This is so you can add notes to the tourney if needed.

I also have request in to add the option to show all players in a tourney even if you did not sit at a table with them. This is so you can add notes or aliases.


Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:12 pm
by jmflu
That would make sense but unfortunately they are Hand Histories. The number of players in my DB seems to be correct but when I go to my stats it has be at 1600 when it should be much more. It feels like a filter is on but it just isnt.

Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:36 pm
by ryanghall
I had the exact same problem FWIW with the exact same 1600 number. But my player database was about 1/3 of what it should have been (as if I'd only played 1600 tournies).


Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:41 pm
by Seitz333
There must be a bug in PT3, I'm pretty sure postgreSQL does not limit the number of rows allowed for a table. You should submit a support ticket.


Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:50 am
by jmflu
bump for mod to see.

I deleted the DB but I could probably just re create it by doing the mass import and showing that they are not being displayed properly.

One thing to add, the number of players in the database appeared to be correct but under my stats it only had the 1600 tourneys so if that helps let me know,

Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:04 am
by kraada
Please do create a support ticket, reference this thread and include one or two of the hand histories that don't show up. We'll look into it.

Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:44 am
by jmflu
Ok so with the new Beta out I have to re import my hands and I started my large import (over 6,000 tournaments)

Now after I import all the files (over 700k hands) there are no errors or duplicates.

Now the problem is when I go to General under tournament it lists that I have only played 1600 tournaments (the real number is over 6k) However under 'Hands' it appears to have all of the hands in it.

I have no filters on whatsoever and in the thread I referenced, someone else had the same problem with the same number, 1600.

So the hands are imported but the tournaments listed under genral seems to max out at 1600. Any thoughts? The Weird thing is that I have these hands imported in another DB (at one point they were imported into a DB and display fine but when trying to add them to a second DB the error occurs now)

Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:49 am
by jmflu
oh and to add, it appears to be showing the first 1600 tournaments that were imported as it is showing my early HHs from 2003 and some into 2004 (I am almost positive that these were the FIRST 1600 tournaments imported) so if that helps at all.

Re: Imported 6,000 tournies, but only 1600 'show up' in my DB

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:55 am
by Josh
Please zip/rar the files you are importing and attach them to a support ticket. If I can reproduce it, I can fix it. Make sure each file you attach is smaller than 6mb, as that's the maximum size the support system can handle for a single attachment.