Hey there,
1. I converted the DB with all my played hands (around 240k) from PT2 into PT3 and I got around 100 errors "Invalid pot size/winnings for hand ..." and 1 error "Player chip-count does not make sense". I guess the invalid pot size errors have something to do with the dead money in the HHs, I read something in another thread. How can I import these hands?
Besides that I have some other questions:
2. is it possible to search for a specific hand by number in PT3?
3. does the log from an import get saved somewhere or is it just possible to see it straight after the import?
4. I found 999 hands in my DB from January 1970 - i dont find them in the same DB when I look into PT2!?!
5. In the "general"-tab it shows me every limit I played but it seems that it didnt recognize the 6max flag from the party poker and ipoker hands - just from the FT hands! Is it true that the only possibility to change it would be to import all hand histories again with the "auto import" function???
6. How can I see if HHs were stored in PT or not? If I would convert another DB from PT2 where a part of the HHs are not stored it would just import the ones where the HHs exist, is that right?
Thank you for your help.