Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

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Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby Manutheman » Wed May 21, 2008 9:51 am

Hey there,

1. I converted the DB with all my played hands (around 240k) from PT2 into PT3 and I got around 100 errors "Invalid pot size/winnings for hand ..." and 1 error "Player chip-count does not make sense". I guess the invalid pot size errors have something to do with the dead money in the HHs, I read something in another thread. How can I import these hands?

Besides that I have some other questions:
2. is it possible to search for a specific hand by number in PT3?
3. does the log from an import get saved somewhere or is it just possible to see it straight after the import?
4. I found 999 hands in my DB from January 1970 - i dont find them in the same DB when I look into PT2!?!
5. In the "general"-tab it shows me every limit I played but it seems that it didnt recognize the 6max flag from the party poker and ipoker hands - just from the FT hands! Is it true that the only possibility to change it would be to import all hand histories again with the "auto import" function???
6. How can I see if HHs were stored in PT or not? If I would convert another DB from PT2 where a part of the HHs are not stored it would just import the ones where the HHs exist, is that right?

Thank you for your help.
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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 12:07 pm

1. Please attach some of the hands which aren't being imported to the Support system. Link to this thread.
3. No, the log is not saved.
4. If you could identify those hands and attach the history files as above we can work out what the problem is.
5. You are right that you would need to re-import, but manual import will use the "adjust qualifying tables limits" too.
6. That's right - sorry I don't know how to check properly, but if you double click a hand in PT2 and the history opens I guess they're saved..
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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby Manutheman » Thu May 22, 2008 10:55 am

hey - thanks for your reply!

about 4.: shall I identify all 999 hands?? and which ones shall i send you - cause it seems that PT3 changed the HHs while converting the DB. for example:
HH in PT3:
***** Hand History for Game 6289753740 *****
$3/$6 USD Texas Hold'em - Thursday, January 01, 01:00:00 ET 1970

HH in PT2:
***** Hand History for Game 6289753740 *****
$3/$6 USD Texas Hold'em - Saturday, September 01, 22:44:59 ET 2007

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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby kraada » Thu May 22, 2008 11:21 am

Just a few of those hands should be sufficient for us to figure out what is going on.
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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 22, 2008 2:13 pm

Send a few of the original HH files, you could send the resulting PT3 history too, but we can try importing them and see if we get the same problem.
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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby Manutheman » Sat May 24, 2008 2:49 pm

ok - I sent the hand histories - both the new and the old ones.

i purged the whole DB in PT3 and imported the hands again, this time with "adjust qualifying tables limits"-option on!
but i got many new problems - again with sorting the limits in the summary - PT3 mixes up everything:
I got 11955hands from Ipoker - in PT2 aswell as in PT3 - but in PT2 I got 1979 2/4 6max, 9929 3/6 6max and 47 5/10 6max. - not I imported the same HHs in PT3: I got 5 different levels!! 55 hands in 0.25/0.5 (never played that limit in ipoker) - they all seem to be HU hands. then 47 hands 2/4 (fullring!), 9748hands 3/6 6max, 181 5/10 6max and 1924 5/10 fullring!
for FT its the same - all 5/10 (6max) hands are imported as 2/4 (fullring) hands in PT3.
for PP it made 23 limits out of 11 limits!!
how can that be? for me its still impossible to use PT3 if I cant trust the import function!!
is this a known issue? and if it gets fixed is it possible to change the hands afterwards or do i have to import all HHs again??

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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 24, 2008 2:52 pm

Did you restart PT3 since you did the purge?
There is a problem with the levels after a purge which should be fixed by a restart.
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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby Manutheman » Sun May 25, 2008 9:48 am

i just did a restart of PT3 and its still pretty much messed up. Of nearly every limit I got also 2max stats - but never played HU-tables.
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Re: Invalid pot size/winnings - errors & 6max problem

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 25, 2008 10:04 am

I suspect that the heads up level comes from an inconsistancy in the "adjust qualifying tables limits" - at the moment if a table drops to 2 players then those hands will be imported as 2-max. This will be fixed in the next build.
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