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Import problem - Duplicates ?

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:22 pm
by VanDerMeyde
I have imported about 10 000 hands and it seemed to work fine, but after I imported those hands, I keep importing Dublicates (?), and I get this over and over again:

2008/05/22 01:20:35: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: Omaha PL
2008/05/22 01:20:36: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: Omaha PL
2008/05/22 01:20:36: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: Omaha PL
2008/05/22 01:20:36: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: Omaha PL
2008/05/22 01:20:37: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: Omaha PL
2008/05/22 01:20:37: iPoker: Warning: Unrecognized game type: Omaha PL

How do I stop it, and what does Duplicates mean ? And yes I have learned my lesson, wohnt play any more hand of Omaha :D

Re: Import problem - Duplicates ?

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:50 pm
by prajna
The omaha thing is not a bad thing. Its no messing up anything. PT3 just doesn't understand omaha hands right now, so you get that error. Duplicate hands are hands which the database has already seen. It will not record these into the database again, so you don't have to worry about it messing up the database, but it might be a bug in PT3. Minor, none the less.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]

Re: Import problem - Duplicates ?

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:53 am
by WhiteRider
Once you are sure that the auto import has caught up with all the files (i.e. the counts have all stopped updating), stop auto import and then you might want to move the remaining files somewhere safe so that you can import them into a future version of PT3 omaha. (or, if you're not interested in your omaha stats, delete them)
