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Stat 3bet preflop.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:27 pm
by Rona
I try to add the statt 3bet preflop in hud with the configure "stats" tab. However when I add it, there is only standing Text. under type and nothing more. But also when I am playing poker there is no pre-flop 3bet at all. My database consists of old pt 2 files. Might that be the reason that I can't use 3bet pre-flop? Furtermore all my notes of all the players are gone, anyone any idea where they have been?

Re: Stat 3bet preflop.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:53 pm
by prajna
The notes did not transfer when you imported your pt2 database (sorry). Hope to have a work around for that soon. As for the 3bet, Please enable logging (configure -> options -> enable logging). Then recreate the error and send us the log file by attaching it to a support ticket. The logfile is located at c:\Program Files\Poker Tracker 3\pokertracker.log.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]

Re: Stat 3bet preflop.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:56 am
by WhiteRider
To add stats, don't type them in the Text box (that's for adding text labels), double click them in the list.
When you say "my database consists of old pt2 files", what do you mean? Did you export/import the PT2 DBs? You've not attached directly to your old PT2 databases, have you? This will not work.

Re: Stat 3bet preflop.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:19 am
by Rona
That double clicking worked! There is now standing under the tab TYPE statistic and under the tab NAME 3bet pf. Will have to test it if it is is going to show on the tables but I believe that will be ok.

About the pt2 databse: Yes I first exported that database in a file under my pc, and than later imported it by pt3. That the notes are gone is really a pitty, because I had a lot of notes. But good news you guys are working on that.

p.s. you all respond very quickly and accurate, keep up the good work!