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Problems with filters in PT3.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:04 pm
by MeeSooHoorny
I´ve noticed some problems with the filters on PT3 - for instance, when I set a filter with the specification - see hands with nº of players between 7-10 - so I can see my full ring stats; nothing happens, the filter doesn´t work - just like it happened before , with the date filter.
I think some of the other, more complex filters present similar problems, but I haven´t had the time to go through them sistematically.

Also, I usually play about 4 tables 6 Max and 2/3 Full Ring, I don´t know if that´s somewhow screwing up the system.

Any idea when we´ll have the auto-rate feature on PT3?


Re: Problems with filters in PT3.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:36 pm
by SoreNuts
MeeSooHoorny wrote:I´ve noticed some problems with the filters on PT3 - for instance, when I set a filter with the specification - see hands with nº of players between 7-10 - so I can see my full ring stats; nothing happens, the filter doesn´t work - just like it happened before , with the date filter.
I think some of the other, more complex filters present similar problems, but I haven´t had the time to go through them sistematically.

Also, I usually play about 4 tables 6 Max and 2/3 Full Ring, I don´t know if that´s somewhow screwing up the system.

Any idea when we´ll have the auto-rate feature on PT3?


I played with that filter and it looks like it doesnt change the general tab at all. You have to go over to the hands tab to notice the difference. I didnt go ant further but it does filter the hands tab.
