Poker Tracker 3 Issues

I have been playing around with PT3 trying to get to grips with it and i have encoutners a few probelms:
1) Firstly i did not install to the defult directory, instead of "pokertracker" i installed to poker tracker 3" note the space. Will this be an issue, i read somewhere that it could be when updating etc. What is the best and easit way to make it the default?
2) I imported all my hands with the first version, a few minor errors came up about duplicate hands and failed internet connections, maybe a few other things... Do i need to re import into the new version?
2) In the "player summery" the "bb/hour" is 1.19 in PT2 but is 7.73 in PT3, there are NO filters on, it is all of the hands from that level, what is up with this?
3) When i try to make notes ona hand it say an error message; "unable to execute query SELECT id_ ... Reason: fatal error (ERROR: invald input suntax for interger"
4) In PT2 i was able to have my party and full tilt sessions all seperate but all visable in the sessions window, in PT3 the levels, i think 25c/50c get mixed together, i cannot have this since i want to be able to see my winning compared to each site on the same level, how do i do this; creating an alis merges the stats
5) The hud is 100% not working, please give detailed advice about how to use it. Is ther a more graphical user interface akin to the old program that i can use to setup my display of stats
6) Am i right in assuming that there are alot of bugs / things to be added to the program. Would you adivse me to continue to use PT Two for the time being and then in a few weeks when the program is imporoved plus there is more documentation available on how to you the program start using PT three?
Thanks, oh and well done for a great peice of software
1) Firstly i did not install to the defult directory, instead of "pokertracker" i installed to poker tracker 3" note the space. Will this be an issue, i read somewhere that it could be when updating etc. What is the best and easit way to make it the default?
2) I imported all my hands with the first version, a few minor errors came up about duplicate hands and failed internet connections, maybe a few other things... Do i need to re import into the new version?
2) In the "player summery" the "bb/hour" is 1.19 in PT2 but is 7.73 in PT3, there are NO filters on, it is all of the hands from that level, what is up with this?
3) When i try to make notes ona hand it say an error message; "unable to execute query SELECT id_ ... Reason: fatal error (ERROR: invald input suntax for interger"
4) In PT2 i was able to have my party and full tilt sessions all seperate but all visable in the sessions window, in PT3 the levels, i think 25c/50c get mixed together, i cannot have this since i want to be able to see my winning compared to each site on the same level, how do i do this; creating an alis merges the stats
5) The hud is 100% not working, please give detailed advice about how to use it. Is ther a more graphical user interface akin to the old program that i can use to setup my display of stats
6) Am i right in assuming that there are alot of bugs / things to be added to the program. Would you adivse me to continue to use PT Two for the time being and then in a few weeks when the program is imporoved plus there is more documentation available on how to you the program start using PT three?
Thanks, oh and well done for a great peice of software