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Lot's of Problems

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:19 pm
by Zorro
I bought PT3 but have nothing but problems. When I used Beta 10 and 11 all was fine. I thought it would be better not worse.

1. Everytime I start auto-import it copies duplicates of my Ongame hands, this is very annoying. :evil:
2. When start auto-import to play cash game at ipoker, it does not import and HUD does not work. Then when I close PT3 and re-open and start auto-import, now it imports the previous hands.
3. To top it off now I get "Error Access Violation at 0x771D3387 (tried to write to 0x00000014), program terminated." Whats next is it going to blow up when I open it. :roll:
4. When I bought it I never received my free copy of PT2 and PAHUD which I think I need for PT3 is far from ready.

I really wish PT3 would work better than this, I hope I didn't waste my money. :roll:

Re: Lot's of Problems

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:18 pm
by WhiteRider
1. Do you have auto import "Move processed files to..." set? When auto import has caught up (counts stop updating) stop it again and the hands that have been imported will be moved so they are not read again. This is where the duplicates are coming from.

2. This is probably because of the backlog of duplicates, sort out 1. first.

4. You should have got an email with details of how to access the PT2/PAH codes. Have a look at My Account. If your codes aren't there, create a ticket (Support system) and give us the details.
