(6 max) vs no tags issue.. Do you guys plan to fix it?

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(6 max) vs no tags issue.. Do you guys plan to fix it?

Postby Chaser8 » Thu May 22, 2008 1:32 pm

In the 'Player Summary' section of PT3:

All of my hands are 6 max; however, PT3 still only labels SOME of my hands as (6 max) and some without labels, which means that all my limits are separated into TWO groups, one with 6 max labels and one without, even though they are all 6 max.

Do you guys plan to make PT3 automatically detect 6 max and group hands accordingly?

I hate seeing my limites separated by something stupid like 6 max labels. My stats representative as they could be (because each sample size is cut in half!)
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Re: (6 max) vs no tags issue.. Do you guys plan to fix it?

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 22, 2008 2:23 pm

Yes, this issue will be fixed. Sorry, no ETA at the moment.
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