fulltilt hh

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fulltilt hh

Postby Cachetonjeu » Thu May 22, 2008 6:24 pm

my pt3 is not downloading my hh from FulTilt, It wasnt downloading them with pt2 either I think it's fulltilt not sending me my hh, I've changed dir a couples times nothing seems to work...anybody got an idea of what's wrong?
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Re: fulltilt hh

Postby prajna » Thu May 22, 2008 7:07 pm

Check to see that full tilt is actually writing the hands to file. In FTP, go to options -> hand history... from the drop down menus. Make sure the checkbox is checked. Please play at least one hand or observe one full hand. This will create both that directory and the file that contains the hand history.

Now in PT3 click on the import tab, select FTP from the list, and click on configure full tilt. Make sure it is point to the same directory FTP is writing hand histories to.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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