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Ya wow this sucks, and also cold call is wrong

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:23 am
by MaxWeiss
Wow I got this and I was sooo excited. I've been messing around with it and making my hud layout and getting so excited!!!... But then I actually tried to USE it. EPIC FAIL. Hud and auto-import take up so much processing power that I time out because I can't click on anything because PT3 is taking over my computer, even on jsut one table with no others open. And I made a SIMPLE hud layout too. Like 7 stats and a name. Wow, epic failure. I'm using PT2 and PAHud until you guys get a working update. You should have waited to make the commercial release. Ugh.

Also, cold call stats are clearly wrong.

Re: Ya wow this sucks, and also cold call is wrong

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:00 am
by kraada
Cold call is a count of how many times a player has cold called, not a percentage of opportunities.

As to the lag and other HUD issues, these should be resolved in Build 3 which will be released early next week.
