HUD Popup not popping up

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HUD Popup not popping up

Postby CPHoya » Fri May 23, 2008 4:13 pm

My HUD popup works on tournament tables, but on cash tables when I click the stat overlay I do not get the popup. I am playing on PokerStars never more than 6 tables. The settings are identical between the tournament and cash popup stats. Is there something I'm just missing, or is this one of the "bugs" I'm supposed to be patient about?

If it's just one of the "bugs" (that didn't exist, I might add, in any of the beta versions I used) be it announced that I'm starting to get really pissed.
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Re: HUD Popup not popping up

Postby Peligroso » Fri May 23, 2008 4:28 pm

CPHoya wrote:My HUD popup works on tournament tables, but on cash tables when I click the stat overlay I do not get the popup. I am playing on PokerStars never more than 6 tables. The settings are identical between the tournament and cash popup stats. Is there something I'm just missing, or is this one of the "bugs" I'm supposed to be patient about?

If it's just one of the "bugs" (that didn't exist, I might add, in any of the beta versions I used) be it announced that I'm starting to get really pissed.

The only time this has occured to me was because of a bug that made the font size incredibly large. Please go to configure hud -> group, select your pop-up group and go to the "stats" tab. Click through the list on the right side and see if the font setting for any of your stats seems to be out of order. If it is, try to change them. Alternatively, you might have to remove those stats and add them again. Yes, there are bugs, but I assure you we're working very hard on getting them sorted.
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Re: HUD Popup not popping up

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 23, 2008 5:31 pm

Please also check that you didn't accidentally un-select the popup group from the 'on table' group.
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Re: HUD Popup not popping up

Postby Macrobeus » Fri May 23, 2008 7:15 pm

[EDIT] problem resolved
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