Refresh kills my CPU

Sat May 24, 2008 3:48 am
by younggunz
So I am playing 12 full ring tables on FTP with real time HUD running...My cpu is hovering around 10%. I press refresh to update my PT3 statistics and bam, everything literally freezes for about 10 seconds. I usually refresh every 30 minutes but obviously can't if this problem continues. Are there plans to fix this?
Re: Refresh kills my CPU

Sat May 24, 2008 4:04 am
by prajna
If you haven't recently, vacuum, cluster, and analyze your database before you import or sit down next time. This generally speeds up my PT3. There are known issues that the HUD is causing, including lagging, and I am pretty sure you are experiencing that (next build will fix this), but doing those three things I suggested usually can help speed it up. They can be found under the database dropdown menu, btw.
~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]