Two Problems, 1 HUD, 2 Crashing

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Two Problems, 1 HUD, 2 Crashing

Postby playingsumpoker » Sat May 24, 2008 11:41 pm

I had heard could things about pokertracker2, so I decided to download pokertracker 3 because it seemed to be the better option, I am having a couple problems

1. The HUD only shows stats for my current table. In other words even my own statistics start at (1) each time I join a new table. The database shows all the hands I have played, but the HUD doesn't reflect those values.

2. I had poker tracker crash, forcing me to close pokerstars. I had to force reboot everything, windows couldn't solve any of my problems by ending tasks. I lost a few dollars as well. It wasn't a large amount, but it is extremely frustrating when a program that is supposed to be improving your play is hurting it.

Any reason for these two problems?
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Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 11:35 pm

Re: Two Problems, 1 HUD, 2 Crashing

Postby feint06 » Sun May 25, 2008 12:01 am

I have had PT3 crash in some of the beta versions, but thankfully it only took out itself (not pstars). Not sure about that one.

As for it showing only your stats from that current session -- that is intentional. I personally find this extremely helpful when multitabling as it helps define each particular table's image of you (you're probably playing the same way on all tables, but running hotter on some than others). However, if someone is at your table that you have played with before -- it should show all of their stats.
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Re: Two Problems, 1 HUD, 2 Crashing

Postby playingsumpoker » Sun May 25, 2008 9:54 am

feint06 wrote:I have had PT3 crash in some of the beta versions, but thankfully it only took out itself (not pstars). Not sure about that one.

As for it showing only your stats from that current session -- that is intentional. I personally find this extremely helpful when multitabling as it helps define each particular table's image of you (you're probably playing the same way on all tables, but running hotter on some than others). However, if someone is at your table that you have played with before -- it should show all of their stats.

Ah, good. I just wanted to make sure it was working right before I trusted the values. Thanks for the help.
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Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 11:35 pm

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