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PT2: error importing Stars tourney hands

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:34 pm
by panderbear
This has been happening since the last Stars upgrade earlier this month:

No flop found for tournament game #17641482609. Auto (2.16.03d)

No river found for tournament game #17641359139. Auto (2.16.03d)

No turn found for tournament game #17641339095. Auto (2.16.03d)

I've read the forum and saw no mention or fix for this problem.


Re: PT2: error importing Stars tourney hands

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:32 pm
by WhiteRider
That's because this is the PT3 forum, the PT2 forums is lower down the page.
There is a link for a patch to fix this party update stickied at the top of the PTH -> General forum.
