registration problem

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registration problem

Postby daven » Sun May 25, 2008 11:39 pm

Hi. I paid for PT3 a while ago, seems I was one of the unlucky who paid during that downtime. I have logged this through the PT support window.
For the moment I'm using PT2+HUD that I have had for quite a while. Unfortunately, I'm getting the PA HUD problem around registration expiry that is hitting everyone - described in the PA HUD tech forum.
If I could get my registration code for PT3 then I guess that the HUD problem wouldn't matter - although PT3 as a non-registered user seems pretty buggy on my machine (random crashes etc). But maybe that's because I've been trying to run it with Everest (using PT2 for FullTilt cos I don't trust PT3 yet)
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Re: registration problem

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 26, 2008 4:25 am

You should have received your code by now, please PM Derek and explain. Make sure you include your Transaction ID with your PM.
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