Don't understand the Auto Import and problem with HUD

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Don't understand the Auto Import and problem with HUD

Postby badkins6 » Tue May 27, 2008 1:58 pm

I was having a test run on FTP and noticed that about half of my hands were not importing. I restarted and came back and clicked on the auto import again, and without having any tables up it started importing all of the missing hands that I had played in the previous session. I don't understand this, could someone please help.

Edit: Also, on 1 of the tables the HUD was not showing up, and also on another table only 1 particular player's stats were not showing up. ???(they were all the same type of 6max tables)
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Re: Don't understand the Auto Import and problem with HUD

Postby kraada » Tue May 27, 2008 3:44 pm

If you have a backlog of hand histories in your hand history directory PokerTracker 3 may have issues. Please allow all hand histories to be moved after imported, and then click 'stop auto-import' once PokerTracker 3 has finished processing the hands in your hand history folder. This will move the HHs and it should resolve your issues.
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