importing w/o moving files

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importing w/o moving files

Postby 123motion » Wed May 28, 2008 2:42 pm

it seems that when i'm importing hands, the HH files are not being moved by PT3 into the designated folder. after a night of datamining i'll check my FTP/HandHistory folder and it will have a ton of HHs still in it.

why is this? i DO have the option check in PT3 to move processed HHs to a new folder.
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Re: importing w/o moving files

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 28, 2008 5:07 pm

It will only move the files when you stop the auto-import.
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Re: importing w/o moving files

Postby 123motion » Wed May 28, 2008 11:10 pm

i see. is there any way to change that? ideally i'd like to just have PT3 running in the background at all times, importing hands. this is how i used PT2 because it's convenient for datamining.
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Re: importing w/o moving files

Postby kraada » Thu May 29, 2008 11:58 am

PT2 also didn't move hands until you stopped the auto import and closed the window.

Just take a moment to stop and restart the PT3 import once a day and all of the old HHs will be moved.
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Re: importing w/o moving files

Postby 123motion » Thu May 29, 2008 4:58 pm

ok. out of curiosity what happens if you manually delete a HH file in the FTP folder after it has been processed but before it gets moved (these are observed hands, and i choose not to save the HH text)? is it wiped from my database?

because an issue i have is that sometimes PT3 crashes while importing hands, and then the hands that have been processed don't get moved. and then when i restart and then stop the auto-import they still don't get moved; so i'm wondering whether these hands are entered into the database or not.
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Re: importing w/o moving files

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 29, 2008 5:32 pm

Once the hand is imported into PT3 you do not need the hand history file any more (as long as "store hand history text" is checked). (It is sensible to keep a backup, but you do not need to, as long as you back your database up frequently).

Auto import will only move files when they have been completely processed, and they are not done in order, so you need to run it and wait until all the counts stop going up before stopping it for the files to be moved.
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