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Im a complete idiot.

Thu May 29, 2008 5:14 am
by acecatcher26
So I downloaded the trial version. I used to have pokertracker2 and I got it working fine on my own. This new one I cant seem to figure it out. I have fulltilt open and I have tables open I hit auto import and all its doing is bringing in old hand histories from sngs. I currently have some nl cash game tables up. Used to I could get imported hhs on tilt just from having the table open. Also, when I go to texas holdem tab it says poker stars in the little box and I dont see a way to change that to full tilt. Basicly im an idiot. Im completely lost, I searched the first few pages of the technical support forum and dont seem to see any answers to my problem.
Basicly for some reason I think its just not importing the hhs from full tilt plz help.
Re: Im a complete idiot.

Thu May 29, 2008 12:11 pm
by SathOkh
1. Open poker tracker on "import" , "autoimport" tabs
2. click "full tilt" on the list on the left
3. click "full tilt configuration" tab on the right side of the window(next to "preferences")
4. check "automatically start with auto import"
5. press "begin auto import"
I hope it helps you
Re: Im a complete idiot.

Thu May 29, 2008 2:25 pm
by WhiteRider
To get observed hands, please set FT's import folder to "Hand History" not "Hand History\<player>".
If you have a lot of old hand histories, auto import could take a while to catch up - the best thing to do is use manual import the first time, then move all the files out of that folder so auto import won't have to read them.
Once you have them importing ok, when you switch to the Cash tab, you need to click Refresh to see the newly imported hands.
Re: Im a complete idiot.

Thu May 29, 2008 5:01 pm
by acecatcher26
I followed sathok's instructions and it brings in some historis just it never finishes, and its bringing in old histories instead of the tables I have open for some reason. For whiteriders advice the only folder its showing is C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3 that is prob my problem but Im again too dumb to figure out how to change it.
Re: Im a complete idiot.

Thu May 29, 2008 5:34 pm
by WhiteRider
The only folder it's showing where?
To set the import folder for FT, select FT in the list on auto import, then click the "Full Tilt Configuration" tab on the right.
You should see "Hand History Directory" - click the "..." button if you need to change it to what I said.
Re: Im a complete idiot.

Thu May 29, 2008 7:37 pm
by acecatcher26
well, it seems to be uploading off of tilt and stars now. the bad news is i have over 500k hands and its taken 2 hrs to upload 16k. I can only assume Im doing something horribly wrong
Re: Im a complete idiot.

Fri May 30, 2008 11:05 am
by kraada
Auto-import is much, much slower than Manual import by design. Auto-import is supposed to be running in the background while you play, so you want it taking up as few resources as possible (even if, as a result, it's not that fast, since hands don't get created that quickly it's not an issue). The manual import, on the other hand, processes hands as quickly as possible.
You should try doing one single Manual Import From Directory in the directory where all of your old hand histories are archived. If you use the manual import for your 500k hands you should get them all imported in 2-3 hours.