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Fulltilt auto-import acces-violation

PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:53 pm
by eraser066
I use the auto-import on everest without any problems. on FullTilt poker I get a lot of Access Violations.

I don't know if it's a bug or if I didn't correctly configure something.

example in the Import Status:

2008/05/29 23:43:11: Access violation(Line #239)
2008/05/29 23:43:11: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618902911)
2008/05/29 23:43:21: Access violation(Line #411)
2008/05/29 23:43:22: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618901408)
2008/05/29 23:43:48: Access violation(Line #280)
2008/05/29 23:43:49: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618913513)
2008/05/29 23:44:17: Access violation(Line #321)
2008/05/29 23:44:17: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618921026)
2008/05/29 23:44:32: Full Tilt: Hand Imported (#6618915734)
2008/05/29 23:44:48: Access violation(Line #360)

Re: Fulltilt auto-import acces-violation

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:56 am
by kraada
Are you using an administrator account to run PT3? If you are running Windows Vista, have you turned UAC off? You need full administrative rights for PT3 to work properly.

You can find a tutorial on how to disable UAC at the following link: Tutorial: Vista-How to Disable 'User Account Control' (UAC)

and you can run a program as administrator by right clicking on it and clicking "run as administrator"

Re: Fulltilt auto-import acces-violation

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:03 pm
by eraser066
My user is an admin account and I run windows XP.

The access-violation messages pop once in a while. Sometimes everything is ok..