by VoodooSG » Sat May 31, 2008 2:48 am
Hi again, I just came back to home. I did, while auto-importing, datamining from 15:17PM to 2:30AM . Note that I was datamining 17 tables at a times, so I end up with 719 files into my "C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory" . PT3 was still importing hands 10 minutes after the closing of all the tables... is it normal ? And it was still running.
So after around 11 hours of datamining 17 tables, heres the numbers ! :
15 921 hands
0 errors
...64 635 duplicates !!!!
and after 10 minutes of closing all the tables :
16 151 hands
0 errors
65 558 duplicates
So after I stopped the auto-import , 106 of the 719 files were still in the "C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory" directories, the rest was moved fine to the "C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\Processed" directories. I just decided to manually import those 106 files, having that results :
4962 hands
0 errors
18173 duplicates
I just dont know what to do now...
thanks for the support