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PartyPoker CPU usage when HUD starts-beta12

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:40 am
by max00d
In the new beta 12 version the PartyPoker CPU usage problem still exits. As soon as the HUD begins the CPU usage spikes and then settles at around 60%-80%. With just four tables it becomes impossible to play. After about 3 minutes a message pops up saying the HUD needs to close and to restart PT3.

I will submit both log files and reference this thread.

Re: PartyPoker CPU usage when HUD starts-beta12

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:16 am
by jayloo87
I am having the same problems with Full tilt. Mine usually starts off ok but after a while it just lags sooo bad to a point where FT freezes and all i hear are the beeping sounds. The HUD error message just pops up at random for me.

Re: PartyPoker CPU usage when HUD starts-beta12

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:20 am
by oracle3001
Obviously all these things depend on CPU and amount of RAM, but I have what is now a medium powered pc (dual core, 2GB RAM) and managed to comfortably 8 table last night while still messing about with viewing graphs, changing filters etc. Before I could just about manage 6 tables, but that was it 6 tables, no other apps, no messing with PT3 while playing.

Re: PartyPoker CPU usage when HUD starts-beta12

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:31 am
by max00d
The problem I am talking about relates specifically to the CPU of partygaming being influenced by the execution of the HUD. Without the HUD the CPU usage of partygaming is relatively low and normal. The CPU usage of pokertracker is not abnormally high either.

Does this cause a similair problem with the CPU usage of FullTilt (in the task manager).

Re: PartyPoker CPU usage when HUD starts-beta12

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:02 pm
by Josh
I notice an increase in the PartyGaming.exe process when the Hud is running, but I'm not entirely sure it's PT3's fault at this point. I think Party is doing something odd, maybe causing it's windows to be repainted more often due to the stat groups. I'm working on resolving this though, and if it's caused by PT3, I should be able to get it fixed.
