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Importing Hand History's ??????

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:28 pm
by dj11
I liked beta 3, had amassed a good sized database. Now I find that I have to import my HH's again.

OK, that wouldn't be a problem EXCEPT! For some reason my downloaded HH's, which the sites sent me are not there!. Seems PT3 b3 cleaned out my HH folders, and now I'm getting nothing.

So!, How might one convert the b3 database back into HH's so that they can then be re-imported into beta4?

Re: Importing Hand History's ??????

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:31 pm
by Peligroso
[quote="dj11"goy]I liked beta 3, had amassed a good sized database. Now I find that I have to import my HH's again.

OK, that wouldn't be a problem EXCEPT! For some reason my downloaded HH's, which the sites sent me are not there!. Seems PT3 b3 cleaned out my HH folders, and now I'm getting nothing.

So!, How might one convert the b3 database back into HH's so that they can then be re-imported into beta4?[/quotegoy]
PT3 doesn't remove your hand history files. However, it might move them if you have the box "Move processed files to:" checked in the auto import preferences window. Default setting here is probably C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\Processed, so check there to see if your hand histories are there.

Re: Importing Hand History's ??????

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:41 pm
by dj11
Thank you for that. They seem snug as a bug.posting.php?mode=reply&f=16&t=765#
