PT3b4 dB Encoding

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PT3b4 dB Encoding

Postby AKPylet » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:52 pm

In pgAdmin when I select database PT3_2008_02_15_085106 I get the following hint:

[bkqt]Database encoding[/bkqt]
The database PT3_2008_02_15_085106 is created to store data using the SQL_ASCII encoding. This encoding is defined for 7 bit characters only; the meaning of characters with the 8th bit set (non-ASCII characters 127-255) is not defined. Consequently, it is not possible for the server to convert the data to other encodings.

If you're storing non-ASCII data in the database, you're strongly encouraged to use a proper database encoding representing your locale character set to take benefit from the automatic conversion to different client encodings when needed. If you store non-ASCII data in an SQL_ASCII database, you may encounter weird characters written to or read from the database, caused by code conversion problems. This may cause you a lot of headache when accessing the database using different client programs and drivers.

For most installations, Unicode (UTF8) encoding will provide the most flexible capabilities.

I selected all the default values during installation... is this correct or should UTF8 had been selected?

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Re: PT3b4 dB Encoding

Postby Josh » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:30 pm

No, we are not using UTF8, we are using SQL_ASCII.
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