Winnings Over-Reported vs Individual Players

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Winnings Over-Reported vs Individual Players

Postby LD Lotty » Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:19 am

Appears winnings are being over-reported. For example, if Player A is small blind of $1, Player B is big blind of $2 (and both fold preflop) while you (as Player E) win $30 pot (mostly from Player C), it shows you won $30 from A, B & C. In fact, you won $1 from A, $2 from B and $27 from C, not $30 from all 3. Yet if I check to see how much I have won playing against Player A, it will show I won $30 from him in this game. ??????? Please advise. Thanks.
LD Lotty
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Re: Winnings Over-Reported vs Individual Players

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:38 am

Please send me this hand history via the [url=]PokerTracker Support[/urlklw] system so that I can reproduce the problem and then fix it for the next beta release.

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Re: Winnings Over-Reported vs Individual Players

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:23 pm

I had a look at the 'vs Player' tab after this OP, and although I haven't seen any incorrect data, the 'Hands Against Player' list is potentially misleading because it shows the net you won/lost for each hand, but not the amount you won/lost to the selected player.
So you can see total amount won from / lost to in the 'Player vs Player' section and over how many hands, but I can't see anywhere where that is broken down into how much you won/lost against that player in each hand. I guess we need another column 'Net vs Player' or something?

I also notice it says 'Does not include split pots'. I can understand this, but I wonder if when you rewrite the rake calculation routine to fix the rake in split pots issues, you might be able to accurately calculate the winnings against each player in a split pot too?
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Re: Winnings Over-Reported vs Individual Players

Postby LD Lotty » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:36 pm

White Rider said it much better than me. My problem is exactly what he discussed.
LD Lotty
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Re: Winnings Over-Reported vs Individual Players

Postby Josh » Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:03 pm

It's a good idea to add the "net against player" column. Added to my todo list.
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