Where do I go to look at simple set up ? And data transfer?

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Where do I go to look at simple set up ? And data transfer?

Postby kdogmc » Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:39 pm

I believe I have it all set up correctly?

I have hand history configured correctly and I believe the hands ae going to the right places. it's the little stuff like on the first page where it say Poker Tracker Database 1 ...do I use this for both those front pages settings?

As for data transfer. I'm going to transfer my data from my PT2 to PT3. Is this compatible? Where do I put the data for PT3 to read it ?

I have many hands in this database. i compounded them as well with POSTGRESQL. Is this to much trouble? A real pain ? Or a walk in the park?

thanks ...love using your system and look forward to using PHUD again.
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Re: Where do I go to look at simple set up ? And data transfer?

Postby Josh » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:07 pm

Try checking out the quick start guides we have here: http://www.pokertracker3.com/products/PT3/docs/
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